The Film Documentary Project, is a collaboration with The Confined Arts, based in Harlem and out of Columbia University, and the Newark Community Solutions Center (Center for Court Innovation). The project aims to bring Newark and Harlem community residents together to explore solutions to issues within their communities through discussions that are centered on the different experiences, perspectives and identities of community residents. This workshop will explore complex community relationships and issues related to social and emotional safety and well-being, and propose co-created solutions to the following topic: Undoing Gender Stereotypes and Societal Norms in Black and Indigenous Communities of Color.
Through a 10 week documentary-style workshop training, participants will be taught documentary skills and techniques while gaining the hands-on needed to produce a short documentary film.
Workshop Topic: Undoing Gender Stereotypes in Black and Indigenous communities of color
Workshop Prompt:
Heroes are not defined by race or gender. They come in every size, shape, and form. How have gender stereotypes led to unhealthy lifestyles in our communities? How do these same gender stereotypes misrepresent the real heroes in our lives and in our communities?
The Film Documentary Project, is a collaboration with The Confined Arts, based in Harlem and out of Columbia University, and the Newark Community Solutions Center (Center for Court Innovation). The project aims to bring Newark and Harlem community residents together to explore solutions to issues within their communities through discussions that are centered on the different experiences, perspectives and identities of community residents. This workshop will explore complex community relationships and issues related to social and emotional safety and well-being, and propose co-created solutions to the following topic: Undoing Gender Stereotypes and Societal Norms in Black and Indigenous Communities of Color.
Through a 10 week documentary-style workshop training, participants will be taught documentary skills and techniques while gaining the hands-on needed to produce a short documentary film.
Workshop Topic: Undoing Gender Stereotypes in Black and Indigenous communities of color
Workshop Prompt:
Heroes are not defined by race or gender. They come in every size, shape, and form. How have gender stereotypes led to unhealthy lifestyles in our communities? How do these same gender stereotypes misrepresent the real heroes in our lives and in our communities?
Course/Workshop Goals:
- Introduce students to gender stereotyping in a societal context by examining how different forms of expectation and representation have had negative impacts in their community and daily lives.
- Enable students to see how gender stereotyping is linked to popular media, and systemic institutions such as in education, government, healthcare, criminal justice.
- Expand working vocabulary for students to discuss issues surrounding gender identity.
- Support students in cultivating documentary filmmaking skills including: interview techniques, mobile cinematography, basic editing, and video production.
- Enable students to develop social and technical skills that can be implemented in the field of film and media composition.